Audrey Miramontes

Forever : 19
Phoenix , AZ
Total Views : 204
Since : 6/2/2024 - 7:27 AM
Total Comments : 0
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Submitted by: Sandra Miramontes
My beautiful daughter was full of life . Had the biggest brown eyes and was always helping me in anyway she could she helped me raise her baby brother when he was first born. My daughter struggled with her addiction and she was doing so good she had been sober one year. On the night of Nov 13,2020 my daughter was given a pill by a unknown young man. My baby went to sleep and never woke up she was 19yrs old when she went to be with God. I want her to be remembered for the loving person she was, always willing to open her door for any friend who needed a place to sleep or eat she loved life and she was robbed of that I will forever be her voice and advocate for change we are loosing our young adults to this drug when is enough enough. Her name is Audrey Rae Miramontes and she is my forever angel…
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