Brian Adipietro

Forever : 38
Newton, NJ
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Since : 6/2/2024 - 1:21 PM
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Submitted by: Joe Adipietro
Brian's Story

It all started October 22, 1980 My wife at the time was nine months pregnant with our second child. Our first born we call him Jay short for Joseph was born in June of 1975 so this was a very exciting time for us. We were both very young when our first child was born. I had just turned 17 and my wife had just turned 18. So after five years of raising a child we thought we knew what to expect.

So back to Brian. On the day Brian was born everything was going as planned. Up until the birth. I was not in the delivery room but I heard someone say we have another one. Another one. Yes Brian was a surprise second baby. You can imagine our shock, fear and joy. Having two healthy baby's felt like we just hit the lottery and received an additional gift from God. We felt truly blessed. I remember smiling from ear to ear for weeks. Sure we had some fear about being able to take care of two infants. But that was soon forgotten when we had double the laughs and smiles. I could go on and on about the Joy Bradley & Brian brought into our lives. Looking back now, for many many years we lived a life full of Bliss.

Until 38 years later June 22nd 2019 when we got the call. What every parent knows can happen but never ever wants to even think about. A parents worst nightmare. I can't even write the words I heard on the other end of that phone call today... Shock, disbelief, denial. We were a few days into an amazing two week vacation. One hour from New Orleans. We had just gotten into bed for the night when we got that call.

Within the hour my soon to be wife Eve and I were on the road home. Our family needed us and I think we needed them more. The whole drive home 20+ hours was done with no radio no music. If you know me music brings me much joy. I could not nor did I want to hear or feel any kind of joy. Somehow we made it home safe after being up for over 36hrs. We must have passed out from emotional and physical exhaustion.

The following few days were a blur. Some how we did the things that we had to do... Things no parent ever wants to even think about doing.

One thing we did want to do was to celebrate Brian's life. It wound up being a two day event at his house. On the first day of the celebration his mother and I had to pick up his remains. I said this before. " The day I held my sons remains in my hands was the day my life of Blissful ignorance was over. " We cried for what seemed like hours in that car... Our life and many others lives will never ever be the same again.

So eventually we made it back to the celebration of Brian's life. I can not tell you the gratitude I felt and still feel today from all the support we received. Physically and financially. From our family and friends and of course his many many friends. They all went above and beyond to make this celebration of life the most heartwarming and amazing celebration I have ever attended. Thank you all again.. you all know who you are. You are all know part of our family. The pain, the joy, the stories that were shared. I could write about it for hours. But I'll stop now. I will however continue Brian's story because so much more needs to be said. I could probably write a book. But I can barely read

I will give you a hint about chapter two of Brian's Bounty. He left us many gifts. I could not see many of them at first. Time will never heal the wounds we feel after losing a child. No matter the age or the way they passed. Our love is forever so it's ok that we find a place for our grief to live forever. I have so many wonderful memories of Brian I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Always wanting so many more of course. Yet so grateful for the the 38 years we did have. So now together Brian and I will continue our journey. I will be his voice and he will be my guide. Together we will save lives and make our little piece of the world a better place for as many people as we can. Thank you Brian for all you left us with. Love you and I will see you when my time comes... So looking forward to that day we all reunite. In God's grace I pray....
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