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Since : 8/25/2024 - 11:47 AM
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Terri Hoops
Briana was born 11/30/99. She was a beautiful girl who could make you smile. She knew how to brighten someone’s day. People have told us how she was their shining star. She could do for others something she couldn’t do for herself having depression and anxiety. Bri had a wit and cleverness and always making everyone laugh. She was extremely intelligent and was often referred to as a sponge, always wanting to learn more. She started self-medicating during high school even though she was on prescription medicines and shortly after she graduated high school in 2017, she was introduced to heroin. We put her in inpatient rehab twice, December 2019 and March 2020. She worked part time in retail for one year and started a new job that she loved while taking online courses to get caught up on credits because she dreamed of being a Vet Tech. She stayed clean for 14 1/2 months, the best and happiest we had seen her in awhile. July 3, 2021 we found her in her room not breathing. After attempts by her dad, EMS and the hospital, we lost her. Toxicology came back with 22 ng of Fentanyl in her system. The five Narcan’s given to her couldn’t even help, she didn’t have a chance. She left behind me, her dad and her younger brother that she adored.