Allyson Fullam

Forever : 26
Chattanooga, TN
Total Views : 88
Since : 8/28/2024 - 1:57 PM
Total Comments : 0
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Submitted by: Margaret Fullam
Allyson Fullam was found dead slumped on her bed on Easter morning 2021. She was found be her parents. The toxicology screen came back that she had died from three times the lethal dose of Fentanyl. Apparently she had taken a pill that was laced and she had no idea that it was in there.
Allyson had a smile that would light up a room. She had the most amazing love for her family and friends. Ally loved to rescue and help animals and she had worked as a Pre-School teacher and a care-giver. Her loves included photography, crafts, sports, working with children and nature. She loved to watch the sunset. Her laugh was infectious and she is greatly missed and loved. She had her whole life in front of her.
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