Total Views : 156
Since : 9/6/2024 - 1:45 PM
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Coming Soon!
Submitted by:
Earlene Foster
She was my only daughter.
She was clean for one year.On February 17 2023 she overdose on fentanyl.She was revived.On February 20th 2023.I found her on my bathroom floor She had over dosed on fentanyl and she did not survive.
She was a beautiful person.Pretty young lady.She had a kind heart.she was very talented artist. And could do hair (hairdresser).She had 6 children .She had a daughter that passed away when she was 3months old.
LaToya life changed when she lost her. And she became addicted to herion for 17yrs.And the day she died it was fentanyl
Her 5 children life her 4 brothers life and mine has changed
A big part of our heart is with her...