Carrie Simon

Forever : 35
Cincinnati, OH
Total Views : 93
Since : 9/18/2024 - 6:02 PM
Total Comments : 0
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Submitted by: Amy Horal
My angel is my only daughter and my baby. She crossed to the Lord on 7/7/2020; however we did not get “that” phone call until 7/9/2020 so that is her official day. She is the mom of three beautiful souls. E is now 16; C is 14; and N is 12. Carrie was the most kind and loving person I have ever known. She would give the shirt off her back to help someone else. I have seen her do just that. She always rooted and supported the “underdogs” in life. She loved baseball, especially the Detroit Tigers. She routed for Alabama Crimson Tide (Alabama resident) and U of M (raised in Michigan). She was an avid reader and loved the Harry Potter series. Carrie loved animals! She also left behind in this world three dogs and a few cats. Of course, she is the child of two addicts (both of them clean and serene before she crossed) so seemed she was destined to follow in our. footsteps. A childhood trauma involving a step-family member was what triggered her addiction. Her and the partner along with the kiddos (as she called them) were moving to Cincinnati to be closer to the kiddos father. They were to close on the new home five days later. Her stay in Cincinnati was short. Carrie bought some sleeping pills, one at least was a fake pill of fentanyl. Fentanyl intoxication/poisoning unintentional officially.
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