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Since : 6/2/2024 - 7:27 AM
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Isaac was 17 years old when he was poisoned from fentanyl by a so-called friend who gave him a "blue", that Isaac more than likely purchased. It was payday Friday for Isaac and he was learning very quickly that if he put in the work, he’d be rewarded with his paycheck at the end of each week. This was something new and exciting to have earned his own money to be able to treat himself and his loved ones at his very own expense. I know how great it made Isaac feel to be able to buy us all dinner from his work; Whataburger. Special shout out to Whataburger, who contributed funds for Isaac’s funeral expenses. This was so unexpected and very much appreciated. I can’t express my gratitude enough for this meaningful gesture. It is so hard to live life without one of your children living in it, breathing, walking, talking, prospering. Isaac was a typical teenager growing up in these times of the world at our fingertips. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Venmo, Cash app, Apple Pay, just to name a few apps that children are using to communicate and purchase illegal drugs without parents, grandparents and guardians even knowing. Language barriers for many that it is hard to know the actual dangers that our children are getting in to. Especially if they are using a device that we, as parents are paying for. If this is true, we should be aware of what it is that are children are actually doing on those phones!! Many of us parents are from the old school and don’t even know what our phones can actually do for us in this day and age. As a grieving mother, I am here to tell you to wake up!! Start communicating with your children about their day. Be involved with their education and communicate with their teachers. Get involved. It’s not an easy task, but it is so worth your child’s life. Know who they are hanging out with on a daily basis. Our children will only be as good as the company they keep. In my opinion, it is not the role as a parent to be your child’s friend. A parent’s role is to provide love, support and guidance. To provide opportunities for our children to grow and prosper in life.
My life is so full, yet so completely empty. Isaac is my first thought when I open my eyes every morning and my last thought before I close my eyes at night with hopes of Isaac coming to me in my sweetest of dreams. I look forward to REJOICING with Isaac One Sweet Day in heaven. Until then, I will forever hold you in my heart on Earth as my heart beats in heaven as well. Until we meet again My Pa!! I love you with every fiber of my being Pa!!
All my love,
Your Mom