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My husband and I adopted Travis at age of 2 years old were we lived in Orange County California. We moved to Scottsdale AZ in 1994. Travis was drug exposure at birth and abandon by his birth mother at the hospital. He went immediately into foster care and we adopted at the age of 2 years old. Travis a very handsome happy kid in spite of his difficult start in life. Travis went to public and private schools Maricopa County. Travis had a lot of struggles with school, drugs, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder and Behavioral. Travis was in counseling throughout his childhood years and Mental Health Services as a young adult. Travis began Boys Scouts as a Tiger Scout up to Eagle Scout( his dad was the Scout Leader). Travis could start a fire with two wooden sticks, prepare food from berries and whatever he had he was a true survivor. Travis obtained his GED online school at the age of 17. Travis moved out into his first apartment at the age of 18. He loved it but soon learned that he didn't like being alone which brought along a lot of other problems and battles for Travis all while fighting a drug addiction since the age of 14. Travis worked as office Summer jobs. He worked as Plumber Assistant, Fast Food, Animal Shelter and other odds jobs. Travis was homeless for many years, but would come to our house every other day for food and shower and to rest. He did not like living inside. We placed Travis into at least 10 apartment housing only for him to get evicted due to drug use. Travis loved helping others, he loved building bicycles from parts and would give them to people in need. He loved riding his bike( 12 inch bikes - Razor). Travis entered into Mental Health Rehabilitation hospital on April 15, 2023for mental health and and drug rehab services. He was released on April 25, 2023 into a Sober Living Home. He was again that handsome beautiful happy full of love kid that we all knew and loved. Travis was released on the Thursday May 25th 2023, he was found dead on the bathroom floor in the Sober living Home on Saturday May 27, 2023. We received that call at 6:23am on Saturday May 27,2023 that changed our lives forever. RIH our Son in the arms of God. We will see you again someday until then know we are right here waiting to see you again.