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Since : 6/2/2024 - 7:27 AM
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Francisco was a wonderful dad. He was a son, brother and friend! He would make anyone laugh who was around him. There were never dull moments when he was around!
Francisco had 5 children altogether! He loved his kids and playing constantly with them! He was the oldest brother to 4 other siblings who he cherished very much! He was always so caring and protective of his family and would walk mountains for them all!
Francisco was a great friend to all who knew him! He would do anything to help anyone out and if it meant him taking the shirt off his back to give it to anyone including strangers he would.
Francisco was a loving and caring person and those who knew him felt the same way about him!
He lost his battle to substance use 2 years after loosing his mom. Because my brother Francisco trusted anyone and everyone around him he will forever be 30! He lost his life to fentanyl with no one who cared to help him for hours! Francisco my brother needs justice as well as everyone else loosing this battle to fentanyl!