Chandler Wells

Forever : 18
Austin, TX
Total Views : 233
Since : 6/2/2024 - 7:27 AM
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Submitted by: Krissi Wells
He was a proud father. His little daughter has autism. Chandler was a defender of diversity. He loved Jacquelynn. He was a historian, a technical learner, played guitar, he lived in Wa, Ca and Texas. He visited the Bahamas and Alaska w his godparents.

He died from fentanyl poisoning, he was denied preventative services re: mental health and substance or self medication. He was trying to get percocet and ended up with fentanyl. 2 separate adults one a nurse the other a drug dealer let him die knowingly. One because she was black and afraid her son would get in trouble from Good Sam law, she told her son this while they let him die. The other kicked him out of her house so he wouldn't die there.

With the lack of investigation and my house being broken into by the nieghbor dealer adult 2 times. This person has been sabotaging me ever since. I just didn't know until nov 2 2023. Then I had a lot of confirmation oddly enough around the anniversary of his death.

I was told by the DEA I have to have proof of who sold the pill to go to court with them. If its proof of other crime like negligent homicide or foul play it'd be up to Garza the prosecuting attorney to do something. WIth the lack of safety I dont feel safe in case of retaliation. If the mental health services had taken his disability rights and his accute transfer of care by his doctor seriously he would not have been in this situation. If I further into this if social media had not knowingly put out these dangerous to minors algorithms he may not have had the early onset to mental health issues as he has none until social media started. I never got him a device. he was super smart. I dont know what you wanna say about this story in short. I testified at Texas in front of 9 commissioners/judges in support of bill 6.
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