Cierra Matthews

Forever : 26
Knoxville, TN
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Since : 6/2/2024 - 7:27 AM
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Submitted by: Christy Collins
I have redacted detectives names. 

On April 1st my daughter went to meet her husband to tell him she wanted a divorce. She said it was the only way she was going to stay sober. She had just been released from jail a couple days before and had been completely sober. Well over 30 days. She was staying at home with me. Once she returned from meeting him at the Blaine ballpark, she came back high.I asked her what she had taken she said she snorted H. I would not enable her so she was not able to stay here. Her husband got them a room on Ashville HWY.  

On April 2, 2022 I got the worst call of my life. 

At 9:41am my daughter's husband left a voicemail, telling me to get to the hospital that my daughter's heart had stopped. After viewing my daughter's body and saying my goodbyes I was met with a detective ******* *******. During our conversation he said the reason it took him so long to get there was because  they did a room sweep. That they did not find anything but said that did not mean her husbands didn't get rid of any evidence before they arrived.  

Then my daughter's case was transferred to yet another detective , ******* *****. While speaking to Mrs ***** I found out that they did NOT do a room sweep and the first detective lied to me. By the time they decided to do a room sweep the maid had destroyed all evidence that may have been left and without a cell phone, they had little evidence to do anything. Mrs. ***** went and interviewed Wesley even with him having a warrant for child support he was not arrested .He admitted giving her the drugs at the ballpark ON THE 1ST but not the next morning. 

Then the transferred my case to Detective **** ******. He claimed to be the best of the best at getting a conviction.   Now this is where more mental torment comes in. In order for a conviction, I had to play my part and befriend her husband. I had to meet him several times, console him when he did his fake crying. Yes I had to hug my daughter's killer. I recorded several conversations. On the days I met him in person was days he was supposed to be giving me some of her belongings. After the 3rd time meeting him I asked to go inside his house and look for her stuff. ALL HER STUFF WAS GONE., her clothes, children's pictures, all her jewelry and personal belongings .Then I discovered he had a new girlfriend just 2 months after Cierra died but he had to get rid of her because she OD twice while living with him. That wouldn't look too good having another woman die so close together. BTW Cierra is not Wesley's first wife that has died from an overdose. I believe there were another wife and 1 girlfriend. 

Mind you he lives 5 minutes from me. I was full of rage and anger. In fact every time I met with him, I carried protection. 

In December he has a second girlfriend. So much for the grieving husband he played himself to be. 

I was not going to let it go, he killed my daughter. I got a copy of the autopsy, EMS report, hospital  records,  death certificate and the 911 call audio and transcript. I was more than enraged when I found out from the 911 report he refused to tell them she was overdosing, he just said my wife is sick and he didn't know what was wrong. That she was having problems breathing and vomiting. ( they would have gotten there faster if they knew she was overdosing) He refused to give Cierra CPR with instruction per the 911 transcript and refused to tell EMS that he just gave her 2 doses of fentanyl 10 minutes before she died.Instead he told EMS he left for a hour and she was like this when he came back. The fentanyl was mixed with xylazine ( a horse tranquilizer) 

After doing my research I found out he waited 45 minutes to call me after making the 911 call. The 911 call was made at 9:05. He went home and showered first. 

Who the hell does this???

I have so many audios but  on September 28th I got the final confession audio. Wesley first left me a message saying he would tell me what happened. However I had to do as he said. I wasn't to call from my work phone. He initially wanted me to meet him at his designated location, said he would search me for a wire and to not bring my cell phone and I would have to come alone. SOUNDS GUILTY AS HELL. This was no accident, I just can't prove it. Wesley is a narcissist and I was able to get him talking without having to meet him. After his list of demands, there's no telling how things would have gone if I had met him. However I sent the audio to Detective ***** after hearing the final audio he had me find out where Wesley would be at so they could pick him up in Knox co. Well I did as told. ***** then interviewed and he confessed to everything and yet was only charged for violation of court order child support and released a few days later. 

Next ***** tried to give me all kinds of reasons why they could not convict. He said because they were married, they used together and he gave her the drugs not sold to her. This was after Wesley agreed to work with them . .I called him out on it. It was complete bullshit! I advise him to re-read the law. I am sure this offended him, however I was offended by him thinking I was ignorant.
The law states this  A new state law is giving prosecutors a more aggressive tool to go after people who are selling or distributing fentanyl that causes someone’s death. Current state law allows a dealer or distributor to be charged with murder when fentanyl is found to be the proximate cause of death in an overdose death. Basically it does not matter who gave you the drugs or sold you the drugs, they are responsible for your death! 

Then the case was sent to ADA ***** ********* but quickly switched again to yet another ADA  ***** *******. All the evidence I collected was sent to the Grand jury to see if they had enough to indicate. On February 6th Wesley was arrested for Second degree murder and delivery of a controlled substance. He made bond a few days later. 

After this I meet with another detective and he was talking to the detective working my case. This f*cking detective said to me he couldn't wait to see my face when my victim advocate tells me he will only get 2 years. I was so Damn enraged. I told him bullshit we are going to trial. He said oh. Well after talking to my advocate, she stated he knew we were going to trial. That he got a  subpoena . That was untrue.

It was a mental roller coaster. 

Fast forward the trial Date was set for October however was postponed because the defense wanted to get a toxicology specialist. BTW it was just a delay tactic.  They didn't get one. I was crushed when it was postponed.  I worked so hard getting all the evidence, right down to the confession.
Fast forward to the two day trial, starting February 12th. The first day I wasn't allowed in the courtroom ,until it was my turn to testify.( I was states witness)They had a forensic specialist come in. The defense was trying to use heart issues to be the cause of her death. Clearly that was not the case. Her heart was fine. Normal weight etc. She had 7 times the amount of fentanyl to kill her. Xylazine wasn't even mentioned. 

Then I SAW it.The Interview the detective ***** did.  He basically told him he would get no time if he became a CI. My heart broke into pieces at that moment.  I felt like I was being played by the whole system. I wasn't very nice to my advocate, which claims she had no knowledge of the said video. 
I felt so let down. 

The jury deliberated approximately 2 hours and came back with the charge of second degree murder and casual exchange. 
My little black heart skipped and beat and I took great pleasure in watching him being handcuffed and charged with her murder and the fact he could not get out on bond. 

There's always evidence somewhere. It took me 5 months, several recordings and meetings with Wesley  to do this . 

He was sentenced to 15 year in the department of Tennessee on April 18th 2024.

I just hope this opens your eyes to see this torment. A complete mind game and the only way I would ever get justice if I could do it myself. Mommas don't give up. I feel like they do not want to investigate these cases . They are understaffed and underfunded also. My impact statement is below. As I was reading it in the courtroom, Wesley was laughing and smirking. Then he was able to speak in defense,He said everything in my impact letter was not true, even tho I have police records. 

Cierra Matthews forever 26 Impact statement 

First I would like to thank the court for hearing my statement. This includes the judge, your honor, the detectives that helped solve and work this case, the DA, Tracee Smith and the prosecuting attorney's. 

I lost my daughter Cierra Matthews Lacey, April 2nd 2022. Today, April 18th, I buried my daughter personally 6 days 2 years ago..Her birthday is April 25th and I wanted her to be at peace for her birthday.  This journey is beyond excruciating. I can't put into words to describe the pain that it is to bury your child, this is not the natural order of life, it goes against every fiber of my being as a mother. I carried her for 9 months. She was part of me and that part died when she died. I am no longer able to hold touch, kiss, hug or talk to my child. 

For several years I walked through addiction with her. She was in many rehabilitation centers in several different states. I myself became codependent.  I learned about enabling and saying "if you baby the addict, you bury the addict". As a mother this went against my nature to not enable but it was a matter of life or death.

On March 31st I gave Wesley money to bond Cierra out of jail. Prior she was in a drug-induced psychosis and thought everyone was trying to hurt her. She was given mood stabilizers while in jail. Once Wesley got her from jail she came home and Wesley went to his home. At this time she was well over 30 days sober. 

The next afternoon she was telling me she couldn't wait to have enough sober time to minister of the Bible to addicts and told me that she had to divorce Wesley in order to stay sober and she made the phone call. She met with Wesley and came back home. She was clearly using. I asked her what she had taken. She said H Mama I'm so, so sorry. I told her she was unable to stay here while using, that was always our rule as I learned not to enable her. "I wish to God I would have been able to one last time". If I had Cierra would not have been with Wesley for him to give her two fatal doses of fentanyl laced with xylazine, that next morning, not heroin like she thought.

On more than one occasion Cierra told me that she thought Wesley was poisoning her lemonade. I thought it was her psychosis. Then after reading her hospital records dated September 28th 2021 she told them she was afraid to go back home but would not elaborate.  but looking back now I have to wonder, then after finding out about a prior wife and a girlfriend  that died the same way. After all, he refused to give her life-saving measures such as CPR ( the 911 transcript says he refused to give her CPR with assistance) and telling 911 and EMS the truth instead of lying. Also he stated it took her about 15 minutes to die, so he watched her die and did absolutely nothing.He claimed he never saw anyone overdosing but that also is clearly a lie. EMS had been called to his home on several occasions for overdosing.  He listen to my daughter gasping for breath and gurgling for breath. He watched my daughter Seizing and vomiting and did absolutely nothing to help . 

He should have told 911 she was overdosing, when EMS arrived he should have told them that she just ingested fentanyl instead of saying "I don't know whats wrong. I left for an hour and came back and he was like this." My daughter may be here today. My daughter did not overdose.  She was poisoned,  put to sleep like an animal. I personally feel this happened this way because she wanted out, she wanted a divorce. With all My heart I do not believe this was an accident.  

Let me tell you who Cierra was. Cierra was a beautiful soul, she was very smart,  kind and compassionate. She had empathy for people; she had the heart of a hippie girl "all peace and love". As a little girl she wouldn't even squish a bug and if she found one dead she would have a little burial for them. Growing up she was her sister's protector, OH how she loved Jessica, they had a very close relationship. Cierra was a mother whose children have been traumatized by her passing. She loved her children very much. 

Cierra never met a stranger. She was loved wherever she went. She lit up a room with her beautiful smile and her laughter, she was so funny. Cierra had a tender heart and more than not,  she let people walk on her. She literally has given strangers the shoes that she was wearing off her feet. Cierra was a very loving and giving person. She helped so many.  I do strongly and firmly believe that Cierra would be here today and sober because Addicts can recover and do.. Unfortunately she was ripped away from us.

Her death is everyone's loss. The world is a much sadder place because she is gone.  Cierra was a  warrior. She fought a very difficult battle, one that I pray that you and your family will never have to go through. I have admiration for her as she kept her faith in God through this horrific ordeal. I will always mourn for her.

Wesley had told me to stop speaking her name and that all I was doing was dragging her from the grave. However I will not stop speaking her name. I will scream her name from the rooftops. I will do what I am to do to be Cierra's voice. She wanted to save addicts, now I am doing her work for her or trying to at least. I've become an advocate fighting against fentanyl poisoning.

Cierra's birthday is April 25th. She got no birthday party, special dinners. However I personally buried my daughter on April 24th, so she could be at peace for her birthday. I have not been able to celebrate one holiday since her passing. No Easter, Birthday's, Thanksgiving and Christmases.And the likelihood of ever having a normal life again, is no longer possible. 

After Cierra's passing Wesley quickly moved on. Got rid of all her belongings, her clothes,  paintings, writings, children's photos, in fact going into "their" once home there was no trace of Cierra. All I have left now are photos I have. He left nothing for her children. And for him to wait 45 minutes, drove back to Blaine and showered before even letting me know she was on the way to the hospital in cardiac arrest. I mean, who would actually be worried about a shower at that point. He took not only my baby but my last chance to say goodbye to her.

"Wesley, had told me about his new friend that overdosed and the ambulance was called. on July 5th, 2022. Just 3 months after my daughter died." He then said "He made her leave." I replied, "Yeah that wouldn’t look so good someone else dying, right after Cierra did." Lucky for that young  she lived. He giggled and said "Yeah that wouldn't look too good".

After hearing his confession with detective Neely I realized something.  He knew Cierra was sober. He met her at the ballpark, she said she had a toothache and asked if he had something.  Why did he not go to the dollar store and get her some toothache medicine? It was only minutes away.  He claimed in the interview he loved her so much but also stated how she was really messed up after he gave her the drugs at the ballpark. But apparently thought he would love her to death by giving her double that amount the next morning. 

Wesley's long time girlfriend Rebecca King died from complications from drug use involving Wesley on August 9th 2018, Wesleys second wife Kelly Fox Lacey passed away from overdosing on July 27th, 2019. Cierra Jade Lacy died from fentanyl poisoning on April 2, 2022. Then only after 3 months of Cierras passing, Kristina Hensley overdosed at Wesley's house at 616 Rutledge pike. However she lived. 

I have PTSD from losing her. I am now seeing a psychiatrist. I have trouble sleeping, working and everyday tasks are daunting. There is no greater pain than burying your child. Nothing whatsoever can compare. I will spend the rest of my life grieving for my baby and all that She was and who she wanted to be. Mr Lacey took not only her hopes and dreams away but mine also. I will never see her grow to fulfill her dreams. Her children will never get to have their mommy back. Her sister will never get her back, still 2 years laterI want to believe it is all just a bad dream. However it's not, it's a horrible nightmare that I will never wake up from. 

There's not a day that goes by that the trauma of losing her doesn't effect me. The only solace I have is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt where she is. She is with the Lord. True love never dies. My love for her will never die. I know her spirit waits for me and we will be reunited again. 

Second-degree murder in Tennessee is a Class A felony punishable by 15-25 years in prison and a fine not more than $50,000.

When Wesley gave Cierra fentanyl he became a drug dealer. My daughter was given a death sentence . . . and my family a life sentence. 

I hope and pray that your honor does not run these two charges together and he gets the maximum sentence provided. Without the possibility of parole. Cierra will forever be 26. This won't bring my daughter back, sadly but we will spend the rest of our lives in grief and mourning such a tremendous loss. Our lives have been torn apart and destroyed by Mr. Lacey's actions and lack thereof. I do believe he is a threat to society and obviously has shown he was not going to change after my daughters death, with the overdose at his home after my daughter died. . I beg your honor not to show any leniency. I have shown above that he has shown a woman dying involving him.

There is not a second,  minute, hour or day that I am not aware my child is gone and never coming back. 

Wesley, I forgive you for my peace of mind not yours. however you took the life of my child and must be accountable for your actions.
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